New Schedule for 2025 is up! Lots of great acts from all over the world and around the block.
Downtown Lawrence will be filled with stages, vendors, facepainters, statues and balloon artists all weekend long.
You never know when you will be suddenly entertained!
East 8th Street Pitch
Sponsored by Mama Lou Strongwoman5:15 PM The Loud Mime
6:15 PM Cate Great
7:15 PM Street Circus
8:15 PM Hilby
9:15 PM World Break dancers
West 8th Street Pitch
5:00 PM Hilby
6:00 PM Scotty Dogs
7:00 PM Voler**
8:00 PM The Loud Mime
9:00 PM Scotty Dogs
South New Hampshire Pitch
Sponsored by T-Mobile5:30 PM Street Circus
6:30 PM Pogo Fred
7:30 PM World Break dancers
8:30 PM Hilby
9:30 PM Cate Great
10:30 PM Tricks of the Light*
Musicians Pitch
5:00-6:30 - Prairie Cats
7:00-8:30 – House Rockers
8:30 - 10:00 The Twangles
Sorcerers Circle
5:00 PM Nick Sharp
6:00 PM Jefferson Rose
7:00 PM Keith Leff
8:00 PM Nick Sharp
9:00 PM Jefferson Rose
Lawrence Arts Center
7:00 PM Art Tougeau Block Party
*Sponsored by Brits
**Sponsored by The Kirkpatrick Group
East 8th Street Pitch
Sponsored by Mama Lou Strongwoman1:15 PM Drunken Fiddles
2:15 PM Cate Great
3:15 PM Pogo Fred
4:15 PM Cate Great
5:15 PM Street Circus
6:15 PM Hilby
7:15 PM Street Circus
8:15 PM Pogo Fred
9:15 PM World Break dancers
West 8th Street Pitch
1:30 PM Voler**2:30 PM Scotty Dogs
3:30 PM World Break dancers
4:30 PM Scotty Dogs
5:30 PM Voler**
6:30 PM The Loud Mime
7:30 PM Scotty Dogs
8:30 PM Hilby
South New Hampshire
1:00 PM Drunken Fiddles
2:00 PM Street Circus
3:00 PM Hilby
4:00 PM The Loud Mime
5:00 PM Pogo Fred
6:00 PM World Break dancers
7:00 PM Cate Great
8:00 PM The Loud Mime
9:00 PM Last Carnival Acrobats Fire show
Musicians Pitch
1-2:30 Zydeco Tougeau
3-4:30 Sugarfoot Detour
5-6:30 LA Fahey Show
7-8:30 Van Mertsh and the Driftwood Bank Combination
Sorcerers Circle
1:30 PM Keith Leff
2:30 PM Nick Sharp
3:30 PM Jefferson Rose
4:30 PM Keith Leff
5:30 PM Nick Sharp
6:30 PM Jefferson Rose
7:30 PM Keith Leff
8:30 PM Nick Sharp
Lawrence Arts Center
12:00 PM Art Tougeau Parade
*Sponsored by Brits
**Sponsored by The Kirkpatrick Group
East 8th Street Pitch
Sponsored by Mama Lou Strongwoman1:15 PM TBA
2:15 PM Pogo Fred
3:15 PM Tricks of the Light
4:15 PM The Loud Mime
5:15 PM Hilby
6:15 PM Street Circus
West 8th Street Pitch
1:30 PM Voler**
2:30 PM World Break dancers
3:30 PM Scotty Dogs
4:30 PM Voler**
5:30 PM Cate Great
6:30 PM Tricks of the Light*
South New Hampshire
Sponsored by T-Mobile1:00 PM The Loud Mime
2:00 PM Cate Great
3:00 PM Hilby
4:00 PM Street Circus
5:00 PM World Break dancers
6:00 PM Pogo Fred
Musicians Pitch
1-2:30 Jeannie & Tal
3-4:30 Wakarusa River Band
5-6:30 The Lost Keys
Sorcerers Circle
1:30 PM Jefferson Rose2:30 PM Keith Leff
3:30 PM Nick Sharp
4:30 PM Jefferson Ropse
5:30 PM Keith Leff
6:30 PM Nick Sharp
*Sponsored by Brits
**Sponsored by The Kirkpatrick Group